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I tried to play your game and the gameplay itself is fun and great. The graphics look simple and fun as well. Great job!

But I noticed some few problems in the game

Let's start with your itch site:

What I like:

  • The preview looks great and I like how you added border lines like a frame
  • Your game cover looks great, I have no problem with that.


Game View

What I like:

  • Main menu
  • graphics

What I dislike:

  • When you tried to resize the window, the resolution gets shrinker, until there will be a missing parts in the game view itself, such as the game title getting missing and an animated character in the right side of the screen.


  • Since you already have a resolution, and a fullscreen settings, i think you shouldn't make your game window into resizable

Game Settings:

What I like:

  • The format of your settings is not bad.

What I Dislike:

  • When you are trying to pick resolutions or graphics in your settings, the acceleration when you trying to scroll is too slow.


  • I think you should make the acceleration when you are scrolling, a bit faster.


What I like:

  • The movement of a character is smooth
  • I like the controls so I have no problem with it

What I dislike:

  • If you died and go back to the checkpoint, the monsters which you have already killed are still at the same spot


  • I think you should also add a function when you paused the game by pressing the "esc" button, you can resume it by pressing the "esc" button again.


Well, judging by your game, it's still in-development. It can still be improved though. Other than that, the game looks great!


bro you gave me the best feedback in my life.

i cant thank you enough.

your feedback encouraged me to continue development.

every suggestion you gave is so nice.

Thanks so much <3